Lecture Notes

This is a collection of lecture notes I created from lectures I attended while studying physics at University Hamburg. The content is compiled from the lecture content as well as recommended reading material. Everything is a work in progress, as I am not able to update these lectures notes while I take the lectures. I don’t guarantee factual correctness in any of the notes, everything is written to the best of my knowledge.

„Topology“ has become a tremendously important discipline for condensed matter physics during the last few decades, especially by the discovery of topological insulators, superconductors, and exotic quasi-particle excitations.

This course covers the application of quantum field theory in condensed matter physics. Quantum field theory as a tool is suited for describing interacting systems, and can as such explain phenomena originating in interaction in condensed matter systems.

The goal of the course is to learn how to solve complex physical problems by means of computer coding and simulations.

Develop a detailed understanding of the physical properties and models of Qubits and quantum registers. Learn to use quantum circuits and quantum channels to describe reversible quantum operations on quantum registers and the universality of single and two-qubit gate operations.

This course covers a range of topics in condensed matter theory. It is a graduate-level course, as such a background in undergraduate physics, especially lectures in theoretical physics covering quantum mechanics and statistical physics is required.

Inhalt der theoretischen Festkörperphysik ist es, die Struktur der Festkörper, die kondensierten Phasen sowie die elementaren Anregungen zu verstehen und fortschrittliche Methoden zu ihrer Beschreibung zu entwickeln.

Die Studierenden kennen durch die systematische Behandlung die nichtrelativistische Quantenmechanik. Sie verstehen die grundsätzliche Erweiterung physikalischer Begriffsbildung gegenüber klassischer Physik und sind in der Lage, quantenmechanische Systeme mathematisch zu beschreiben.